Monday, September 10, 2007

"SOUNDS like US"

it was "All Because Of You" that made me "Lose Control"
"When Im With You" then i found out that "I Shoulda Cheated"
because i though that i had found "Love" then i "Shaked It Off"
because i thought "We Belonged Together" "Here We Go" and im "More Than A Man" now you know "When A Mans Fed Up" that it ain't nothing you can do about it i was feeling "Unappreciated" now "I JuST Want It To Be Over"
u got me "Twisted" because now i need a "Friend" so don't think ur "Irreplacable" why? it "Dont Matter" so " If You Think Youre Lonely Now"
remember baby "You Changed" so Let It Go"

I have not written this on my own. No, i am no poet. But it sounds like it is about US. She knows who she is, and she would read this someday i hope... and then understand, may be, what she did, and may be someday makes me understand why she did this.

But yes here are a few lines,
I have for you,
a little contradictory
but somewhere true,
There are tears in heaven,
every since we have been apart,
but still you owe me,
my love, my soul and my heart!