Tuesday, September 19, 2006


this happens to be my first blog… and my post on any blog too.. i dont have a clue where this will lead to.. could be that one day u like to read at this place.. or may be.. it is just left like this… and probabbly i keep scribbling here… or not even that…

i dedicate this to 2 people in my life who have changed it… changed it like anything.. my PAA and my MAA… they mean a lot to me… much more than myself..

i am not a very good writter.. but still i would like to try and keep this place neat and organised enough… wud like to make this flow with my emotions..

emotions… i have a lot of them within me… deep inside.. i never showed them tough… lived strong as i termed it… but my maa taught me living strong is not keeping things within… not hinding them so deep that you never are able to see them for urself… but its expressing them.. to yourself… or to someone…. they are meant for…. i lived lame… now i live strong…

i really dont know what to write over here… but i would let my emotions flow…

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